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Thread: Budget nano ATS

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Budget nano ATS

    Hi Guys

    I take no credit for this clever lil design.
    All Credit goes to the guy who built it .. "Jaco Schoeman"
    The "screens" as you can see are made from old FW undergravel filters.
    He managed to scuff the screens pretty nicely and these pics were taken about 2 or 3 days after seeding
    and the 15w life glo t8 running 24 hrs for 2 days. The spray bar is fed by a ehiem canister filter (with a valve on both inlet and outlet).

    I know that there's a ton of refining to do but i think for a design that costs less that $5 it's awesome.

    I'll upload some decent pics tonight.. :mrgreen:
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  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Canterbury, UK

    Re: Budget nano ATS

    Nice! Those are some huge rocks! And welcome to the site
    How is the screen lit? It looks like it's coming from underneath the table, is there any way you can get the light closer?
    Also, what flow are you getting over the screen? (best way to hold a bucket underneath the screen and time how long it takes to fill it)

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