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Thread: Sort of a poll: how much do you feed?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Sort of a poll: how much do you feed?

    I'm trying to get a feeling for how much people really feed when they have an ATS running. So, for all those who have a successful ATS running. How much do you feed, in "cube equivalents" if you can calculate that, what do you feed, what kind of tank (fish only, mixed reef, LPS, SPS, FW, etc), and how big (tank + sump if you have one)?

    For example, for my tank:

    How much: 3-4 cubes/day
    What: one cube mixed frozen, one cube mysis, occasional silverside and, from an autofeeder 2x daily, Spectrum or Hikari pellets.
    Kind: lightly loaded mixed reef (2 tangs, three anthias, midas blenny, longnose hawk, watchman goby, couple nems, couple SPS, couple LPS, a few softies and polyps). Had a ghost eel until last week. He went missing...
    Size: 125 US gallons + 20 US gallon sump.

  2. #2
    ruddybop's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MorganAtlanta View Post
    I'm trying to get a feeling for how much people really feed when they have an ATS running. So, for all those who have a successful ATS running. How much do you feed, in "cube equivalents" if you can calculate that, what do you feed, what kind of tank (fish only, mixed reef, LPS, SPS, FW, etc), and how big (tank + sump if you have one)?

    For example, for my tank:

    How much: 3-4 cubes/day
    What: one cube mixed frozen, one cube mysis, occasional silverside and, from an autofeeder 2x daily, Spectrum or Hikari pellets.
    Kind: lightly loaded mixed reef (2 tangs, three anthias, midas blenny, longnose hawk, watchman goby, couple nems, couple SPS, couple LPS, a few softies and polyps). Had a ghost eel until last week. He went missing...
    Size: 125 US gallons + 20 US gallon sump.
    Be nice to know size screen scrubber and wattage also UAS or WFATS....

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Couple of dashes almost everytime I walk by tank. Cube and a half - two cubes a day?
    Currently feeding pellets. Full spectrum pellet.
    Reef tank. Yellow Tang Pair of Clowns and two Damsels, misc. Zoas and soft corals.
    45/49 gallon bow front with 20 gallon sump with only about 7 gallons of water in it.
    Screen size is 8x10 23 watts each side WFATS

    90 gallon in the bull pen.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ruddybop View Post
    Be nice to know size screen scrubber and wattage also UAS or WFATS....
    My intent was not to get what peoples scrubber currently is, but that's great if they want to include the info.

    It seems like we get a lot of questions about sizing now that it is based on feeding, the answer we give is usually another question "how much do you feed?", which isn't really helpful to complete noobs or people coming from a world where you feed a 100 gallon tank maybe a cube a day, and that might be pushing your luck. They have no idea how much they should or could feed, because a scrubber effectively removes the limit on how much you can.

    The selfish reason for the question right now is that I know my scrubber is WAY oversized, 8"x20" double sided waterfall, because it was sized under the old formula for a 150 gallon system, and I had a fantasy about doing a huge NPS tank. I've decided to take a less intense approach to reef keeping, so I need to cut it down, but I'm sort of wondering how far down to go, and wanted to hear how much scrubber folks generally do feed their tanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I feed between 1 and 2 cubes per day of a DIY food. 120g w/4 chromis 1 big sailfin tang and 1 medium yellow tang. So based on everything I read before I discovered to Algae Scrubber, I feed about 4x too much LOL

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I feed about a cube per day w/ 2 chromis, 1 yellow tang, 1 tiny blue tang, 2 clowns, 1 cardinal, and a 6 line wrasse, maderin in the sump eats pods tho. I wonder should i feed more tho?

  7. #7
    kerry's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I feed about 2/3 cubes of DIY food (peas, carrots, shrimp, and gelatin to bind it) to both reef tanks. 40G (6x6 screen water fall) has a handful of hermits, watchman goby, 2 spotted cardinals, two blue/green chromis, 1 reg clown, 2 tomato clowns, coral beauty, harlequin shrimp, a cleaner shrimp I have not seen in days, an emerald crab, and a couple mexican turbo's. There is also about 10+ corals in there as well. The 150G (5x5 HOB UAS) has 2 clowns, 2 cardinals, 3 yellow tail blue damsels, Kole yellow eye tang, and 2 mollies 1m/1f to make feeders for the other fish oh and a few hermits as well.
    150G. Reef/Mix
    125G. 3 Regular Oscars/1 Jack Dempsey
    75G. 20+ Africans
    40G. Fish/Reef. Algae Scrubbers on ALL my SW
    10G. SW Fish/Reef.
    10G. SW Hospital/new fish quarantine/pod breeder tank
    6 stage RO/DI system 200 GPD.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Bump. Really would like more input here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    pennsylvania, usa
    I feed two to three pinches a day, nory twice a week and a squirt of blended oysters every night.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Netherlands
    I feed 2 times the equivalent of 3 cubes DIY food a day (so about 6 to 7 in total) not too much stock (2 cardinals, striped hawaian surgeon, mini wrase, cleaner schrimps, pepermint schrimps and some corals) My DIY food is a blend of: Artemia, mysis, fresh schrimps, mixed frozen, forzen lobster egs, frozen phytoplancton, zooplancton, wetted nori..

    Scrubber details: Hybrid clash of both UAS and HFATS..which works VERY well for me..
    Lights: 16h, 50 watt LED 1 side only (it was getting WAY too strong two sided with my current stock and feeding)
    Screen: ~750cm2
    Flow: ~2500l/h

    Hope this helps..

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