Hello everyone.
We have been getting several orders for our custom made 660nm LEDs for algaescrubber.net builds.
Because of this we have brought in an extremely large shipment of the 660nm LEDs and would like to pass on the savings to algeascrubber users (22% off our 660nm LEDs). This is very rock bottom pricing and is only available until August 22nd 2012.
Coupon code: ATSRED
If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to shoot us an email via our contact form.
Some info on our 660nm:
Our 660nm are very well developed with matched optics - no need for additional optics that can reduce the efficiency. No issues for the last 2 years we have been producing them (not a single DOA).
They come in 60 degree and 120 degree versions. If your light is farther away or needs to penetrate alot of water before it hits the screen, you may want to look at the 60 degree versions.
They max out at 700ma 2.3v but as with any LED, we recommend running them at 70% which is 500mA (more than enough light for a ATS).
They are on 20mm standard stars that fit very well on our MakersLED professional heatsinks