I picked up a 125 for a pretty good deal to branch out from my 100g sps tank and start a predatory FOWLR tank. I'm planning to run it purely with an ATS for filtration if possible to help control algae in the display since puffers and triggers are just going to chew through any CUC that goes in the tank. Most of the local guys I've seen have had good luck with scrubbers, but they have had them running externally in a fish room out of rubbermaids which I don't have the option of in an apartment. I know these fish are going to eat a ton and produce a lot of waste but not sure exactly how much as I've never really kept puffers and such. Friend in the local club mentioned his 125 predatory tank was doing 5 table shrimp every other day but no idea how close that will be to what ends up getting fed. I'm currently planning a volitions, puffer of some sort, trigger or 2 (most likely a pair of bluejaws to hopefully play with with the lion), and maybe an eel. I've been reading a lot but not really sure how big of a screen I would need to run this tank without a skimmer or what the best option is to light both sides of the screen and keep the ATS in the sump. Do the UATS and the waterfalls have the same capacity to filter? So far I have 2 options to keep things under the stand.
1: 2 single sided screens on both ends of the sump 14x11 and 14x9 lit with a 90w led grow light ufo for each screen.
2: condense it down to the 14x11 and build a glass drybox to put in the sump using the original 90w led grow light I grabbed to test it before buying the pair and building a diy led setup in the drybox mounting it to the glass and using the tank water to cool the diodes.
Or if neither will support go with a smaller sump and try to fit in a waterfall ATS which I see being a nightmare since the stand only has like 27" vertical clearance. Any advise or feedback on sizing or design would be appreciated.