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Thread: What do scrubber users need to dose if they stop water changes????

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    What do scrubber users need to dose if they stop water changes????

    I've read about a few folks that stop doing water changes (or do them 1 time per year) when they start running a scrubber in coral and fish tanks.

    I'm assuming those folks need to dose multiple things like Calcium, Alk., etc.; however, I'm curious what these folks actually need to dose????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    Cal, alk, mag, maybe str.

    If you don't feed nori, then dose iron and iodine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Much evidence is also pointing to the need to dose Potassium. All the tanks I run scrubbers on have low potassium. All the tanks that I have tested that do not have scrubbers on them have proper potassium levels.

    One of my original scrubber customers was dosing K (potassium) like mad, then he took the scrubber off to let the tank "get dirty" and his K stabilized. he put the scrubber back on and it started dropping again. So IMO the jury is in on this one. Test and dose K. In that order.

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