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Thread: algae still on rocks

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    algae still on rocks

    I am the proud owner of a HOG algae scrubber. I've been using it in my 30 gal saltwater tank for almost a year. After it initially started to grow algae, algae also began to grow on the rocks. This is a normal event. So I've been waiting. It's still there, growing strong. There's several patches of it -- healthy, thick and showing no signs of dwindling. I remember reading something about adjusting the lighting, but can't find that info to get the details of how to go about it.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    The time it takes phosphate to come out of the rocks is relative to import, export, and amount of rock. If you can give more details it would help.

    Adjusting lighting is not a preferred method.

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