I'm in the process of setting up a large system. I have a 660 gallon display, 175 gallon sump, 65 gallon fuge, 40 gallon frag and 40 gal quarantine. The system has been up for about 2 months now and is at the end of its cycle. I started with a good chunk of live rock, no bio load, and thus the cycle was extremely fast. I'm pretty much just leaving the system fallow except for snails, chaeto, and dosing phyto to encourage pod growth.
My last system was years and years ago back when skimmers were relatively new. I used a dump style ATS that I built for my last tank. This was when we were first starting to be able to keep hard corals successfully. Anyways I have a confession to make. I went out and bought an extremely large (and expensive) skimmer for my current system. I guess I didn't do enough reading (although I've been planning this system for years) and just assumed the biggest and most efficient skimmer is what I wanted. Well, I got exactly what I wanted. I have an ATB XL and the thing is a beast.. works great. Too good. It will pull ALL of the phyto and pods out of my water. Withing 3 days of it running pods are undetectable, and phyto is completely gone from my tank. The only pods that survive are the lucky ones that live in my fuge and hang on for dear life
This is not exactly how I wanted to run my system. I don't know what I was thinking but I'll admit I messed up. So I'm looking to build an ATS. I've read all the info I can but I would like some feedback on what I'm planning.
To start with, my build thread is over at RC at: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthrea ... id=1354165
You can scroll through it to loom for sump pictures but here is probably the latest ones:
Here is a much older picture of the sump to get some idea of the dimension:
Sump is 48x24x36. As you can see the sump has a large bubble tower and skimmer. Both are sitting on a platform. The skimmer can be removed and the bubble tower can be pushed into a corner and made smaller if need be. So how to design an ATS. The pump feeding the tank is a Dart. Its currently dialed down to around 50% flow. The plan is to feed off the dart to power the ATS. I'm thinking of 2 panels 20" wide. That should be 1400 gph of flow which I easily have excess from the dart. I'm thinking each panel 30 or 36" high. 36" would give me 1440 sq inches.
How to light it? thinking of either using CFL's with reflectors for the "ends" and bare cfls in the "middle". Or t5's although I'd have to go probably 2 horizontal lights per side, so 8 lights total. Not sure How to attach them. I can either hang the panels from the ceiling, or stands in the sump. If I make stands I can make little arms that hold the t5's horizontally. I don't know. Any ideas?