View Full Version : Algae Scrubber/Reactor Question and Problem Solving

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  1. Please check my math and logic for a first scrubber build.
  2. Extremely Pale Algae... Thoughts???
  3. Pic's with descriptions
  4. Need to redo my tank - SM what are your suggestions?
  5. Light size recommendation
  6. methane?
  7. Announcing: SCRUB-A-CUBE
  8. cob grow light 15w, good?
  9. Tuning based on growth color, types, and patterns. Is there a FAQ on what to expect?
  10. Need a little advice on newish scrubber
  11. Thinking of upgrading to LED and making a blackout box.
  12. LED options?
  13. Algae Scrubber Not Working
  14. Aldae scrubbers in Australia
  15. alagae scrubbers for industrial wastewater
  16. Assisting initial screen colonization. I have an idea that might be usefull.
  17. Help me design my DIY scrubber please!
  18. ATS now developing yellow algae
  19. Upflow algae scrubber idea
  20. Helical Algae Scrubber
  21. No purple/red coralline algae
  22. Horizontal flow scrubber build step-by-step.
  23. Pump flow rates for waterfall ATS
  24. Newbie needs some advice
  25. ATS Rodrigo Calvetti ...Brasil -SC
  26. Need Some Expert oversight on my scrubber design.
  27. Combination ats and uts...would it work?
  28. Do ATSs remove or even add?
  29. To pre filter or not to pre filter that is the question.
  30. Help with HOG
  31. HOG or SURF ??
  32. Eureka!
  33. New - ats or uas and skimmer less
  34. Nitrates and Fresh Ideas
  35. Is an ATS worth it if you modify it?
  36. Hours of light for new screen.
  37. ats for nano reef
  38. Thoughts on this LED?
  39. Should I clean this screen?
  40. A question from Persia
  41. Lighting schedule after cleaning screen
  42. Ats sump design
  43. Algae scrubber for fresh water tank.
  44. Being defeated by brown algae/dino?
  45. Fresh water algae scrubber/filtration
  46. Algae scrubber on FW riparium?
  47. Different ATS 2 different growths of algae
  48. additives question
  49. A few questions for potential new unit
  50. Size of screen
  51. cope pods in freshwater, problems?
  52. I need to build a new waterfall scrubber, with a catch.
  53. Scrubber working, but corals shrinking, brown algae on screens.
  54. LOUD and uneven water flow - need input
  55. Surf 2XX Progress check
  56. Waterfall Lighting power upgrade
  57. Algae Scrubber during tank fallow
  58. Fusion 400 output
  59. hog.5 growth
  60. sound and evaporation buffer
  61. What type of algae / bacteria is this?
  62. HOG in Israel
  63. Can I grow algae with only red light?
  64. Problem with scrubber
  65. Flow Question
  66. High nutrients with no algae?
  67. Too much light or too much nutrients?
  68. Horizontal Drip through scrubber.
  69. Brown algae growth
  70. No thick growth
  71. Help! How many leds for my UAS
  72. Question on what type of algae for ats
  73. Need help with my algae scrubber
  74. Eating off the grabber surface
  75. What this grow?
  76. No GHA
  77. UAS lighting suppliers - Australia
  78. How to get rid of algae that is growing on plants and tank and not on scrubber?
  79. UAS inside shell hole size and amount of holes per side
  80. HOG 2 - Cannot get anything but slime
  81. Black cloth to dim LEDs
  82. Keeping tube slits open
  83. LED distance from plastic canvas
  84. Does different light grow different algae?
  85. Skimmerless
  86. Hog1 growth.
  87. silicone
  88. battery air pump for power outage
  89. Best LED light
  90. Trying something different. Fluidised golf balls. kaldness.
  91. Question about new Surf 4x
  92. Newbie planning a horizontal scrubber for FW tanks
  93. ALgae only at the top of the screen
  94. Fresh water Plants, growing on my scrubber.
  95. No growth after 2 weeks
  97. Please critique my new setup
  98. DIY scrubber help
  99. Scrubber change to LED light
  100. Algae on glass.
  101. Critique my new scrubber...
  102. LED question.
  103. Quick question, is this normal for a new scrubber.
  104. Algae and Nutrient Balance
  105. My DIY light screen for my waterfall ATS
  106. Using HOG 3 upflow scrubber with Chatomorpha
  107. Switching from Carbon dosing and protein skimmer to hog 3
  108. Most efficient way to add a new screen in place of one in use?
  109. Troubleshooting growth suggestions
  110. Surf4x scrubber turf algae question
  111. Emergnecy.. Scrubber Dead?
  112. Water not 100% Crystal clear..
  113. Led - Watts vs Lumens
  114. Bugs eating algae off screen
  115. Screen cleaning help
  116. Sudden growth of bubble algae on ATS screen
  117. Fluval Edge reef
  118. How to save ATS while treating DT with meds?
  119. What to do?
  120. Jelly like algae
  121. First scrubber lmk what you think.
  122. Adhesive Question
  123. ATS Crashed Now What! Help!
  124. Hog3xx can't get going. Please help.
  125. SunPlus LED Upgrade?
  126. bigger scrubber to begin with?
  127. Brown algae not green. When will it turn green?
  128. Drop 1.2x question
  129. 2nd harvest and still brown algae. Need advice please
  130. Raised PH from algae scrubber killing fish??
  131. Clownfish Harem Tank
  132. Running Activated Carbon in Reef aquarium with Algae Scrubber
  133. Help SURF2X
  134. Yellow water from Algae scrubber
  135. New Tank
  136. new to algae scrubber
  137. LED Grow Light Build Question
  138. Chaeto dying off
  139. Mesh
  140. Need 660nn leds, have cash.
  141. willl an algae scrubber kill this stuff?
  142. anyone try these COB LED Grow Chips?
  143. Skimmer sizing with scrubber
  144. ATS waterfall failing
  145. My journey with the Rain2 Algae Scrubber and my 80G Tank
  146. Very Quiet 🤫In Here
  147. RAIN2 Advise
  148. Scrubbing too much..help?
  149. Scrubber for Red Sea Max 260 E
  150. SURF2X and silicates
  151. new hog1 help
  152. Weird results, any insights appreciated
  153. Using Ulva algae in algae reactor instead of Chaeto
  154. FOR SALE - HOG2 Almost New
  155. Rain 2 help needed
  156. Algae Scrubber Optimization
  157. Algae Scrubber on ULNS?
  158. Semi-New ATS Not working properly. Please help.
  159. Fluconazole?
  160. Low phosphate
  161. LED Light Waterproofing
  162. Screen sizing
  163. HOG1 working but not enough
  164. Dimming rain2 algae scrubber
  165. No algae growth at all
  166. RAIN2 - Am I on the right path ?
  167. 3D printed projects
  168. Sideways water spraying
  169. Brown Algae Growth ? Next Steps ?
  170. Cleaning algae growth
  171. Cyano reactor
  172. Is this growth okay?
  173. Next Steps... Need help on my 2nd time around
  174. Is short on off ATS light cycle OK?
  175. Slime Producer - Any next steps?
  176. Waterfall algae scrubber
  177. New Scrubber pics and questions
  178. Freshwater Algae scrubber help
  179. Rain4 Help - Two Months In... Need help.
  180. Algae scrubber pump off for 12 hrs
  181. Older scrubber
  182. RAIN2 Algae Growing from Top Down
  183. Air flow question
  184. Fluidized K3 algae scrubber
  185. Gem5 light placement in diy box question
  186. ATS and CYANO
  187. Flow question on new Rain2
  188. Looking for feedback on screen growth