- Please check my math and logic for a first scrubber build.
- Extremely Pale Algae... Thoughts???
- Pic's with descriptions
- Need to redo my tank - SM what are your suggestions?
- Light size recommendation
- methane?
- Announcing: SCRUB-A-CUBE
- cob grow light 15w, good?
- Tuning based on growth color, types, and patterns. Is there a FAQ on what to expect?
- Need a little advice on newish scrubber
- Thinking of upgrading to LED and making a blackout box.
- LED options?
- Algae Scrubber Not Working
- Aldae scrubbers in Australia
- alagae scrubbers for industrial wastewater
- Assisting initial screen colonization. I have an idea that might be usefull.
- Help me design my DIY scrubber please!
- ATS now developing yellow algae
- Upflow algae scrubber idea
- Helical Algae Scrubber
- No purple/red coralline algae
- Horizontal flow scrubber build step-by-step.
- Pump flow rates for waterfall ATS
- Newbie needs some advice
- ATS Rodrigo Calvetti ...Brasil -SC
- Need Some Expert oversight on my scrubber design.
- Combination ats and uts...would it work?
- Do ATSs remove or even add?
- To pre filter or not to pre filter that is the question.
- Help with HOG
- HOG or SURF ??
- Eureka!
- New - ats or uas and skimmer less
- Nitrates and Fresh Ideas
- Is an ATS worth it if you modify it?
- Hours of light for new screen.
- ats for nano reef
- Thoughts on this LED?
- Should I clean this screen?
- A question from Persia
- Lighting schedule after cleaning screen
- Ats sump design
- Algae scrubber for fresh water tank.
- Being defeated by brown algae/dino?
- Fresh water algae scrubber/filtration
- Algae scrubber on FW riparium?
- Different ATS 2 different growths of algae
- additives question
- A few questions for potential new unit
- Size of screen
- cope pods in freshwater, problems?
- I need to build a new waterfall scrubber, with a catch.
- Scrubber working, but corals shrinking, brown algae on screens.
- LOUD and uneven water flow - need input
- Surf 2XX Progress check
- Waterfall Lighting power upgrade
- Algae Scrubber during tank fallow
- Fusion 400 output
- hog.5 growth
- sound and evaporation buffer
- What type of algae / bacteria is this?
- HOG in Israel
- Can I grow algae with only red light?
- Problem with scrubber
- Flow Question
- High nutrients with no algae?
- Too much light or too much nutrients?
- Horizontal Drip through scrubber.
- Brown algae growth
- No thick growth
- Help! How many leds for my UAS
- Question on what type of algae for ats
- Need help with my algae scrubber
- Eating off the grabber surface
- What this grow?
- No GHA
- UAS lighting suppliers - Australia
- How to get rid of algae that is growing on plants and tank and not on scrubber?
- UAS inside shell hole size and amount of holes per side
- HOG 2 - Cannot get anything but slime
- Black cloth to dim LEDs
- Keeping tube slits open
- LED distance from plastic canvas
- Does different light grow different algae?
- Skimmerless
- Hog1 growth.
- silicone
- battery air pump for power outage
- Best LED light
- Trying something different. Fluidised golf balls. kaldness.
- Question about new Surf 4x
- Newbie planning a horizontal scrubber for FW tanks
- ALgae only at the top of the screen
- Fresh water Plants, growing on my scrubber.
- No growth after 2 weeks
- Please critique my new setup
- DIY scrubber help
- Scrubber change to LED light
- Algae on glass.
- Critique my new scrubber...
- LED question.
- Quick question, is this normal for a new scrubber.
- Algae and Nutrient Balance
- My DIY light screen for my waterfall ATS
- Using HOG 3 upflow scrubber with Chatomorpha
- Switching from Carbon dosing and protein skimmer to hog 3
- Most efficient way to add a new screen in place of one in use?
- Troubleshooting growth suggestions
- Surf4x scrubber turf algae question
- Emergnecy.. Scrubber Dead?
- Water not 100% Crystal clear..
- Led - Watts vs Lumens
- Bugs eating algae off screen
- Screen cleaning help
- Sudden growth of bubble algae on ATS screen
- Fluval Edge reef
- How to save ATS while treating DT with meds?
- What to do?
- Jelly like algae
- First scrubber lmk what you think.
- Adhesive Question
- ATS Crashed Now What! Help!
- Hog3xx can't get going. Please help.
- SunPlus LED Upgrade?
- bigger scrubber to begin with?
- Brown algae not green. When will it turn green?
- Drop 1.2x question
- 2nd harvest and still brown algae. Need advice please
- Raised PH from algae scrubber killing fish??
- Clownfish Harem Tank
- Running Activated Carbon in Reef aquarium with Algae Scrubber
- Help SURF2X
- Yellow water from Algae scrubber
- New Tank
- new to algae scrubber
- LED Grow Light Build Question
- Chaeto dying off
- Mesh
- Need 660nn leds, have cash.
- willl an algae scrubber kill this stuff?
- anyone try these COB LED Grow Chips?
- Skimmer sizing with scrubber
- ATS waterfall failing
- My journey with the Rain2 Algae Scrubber and my 80G Tank
- Very Quiet 🤫In Here
- RAIN2 Advise
- Scrubbing too much..help?
- Scrubber for Red Sea Max 260 E
- SURF2X and silicates
- new hog1 help
- Weird results, any insights appreciated
- Using Ulva algae in algae reactor instead of Chaeto
- FOR SALE - HOG2 Almost New
- Rain 2 help needed
- Algae Scrubber Optimization
- Algae Scrubber on ULNS?
- Semi-New ATS Not working properly. Please help.
- Fluconazole?
- Low phosphate
- LED Light Waterproofing
- Screen sizing
- HOG1 working but not enough
- Dimming rain2 algae scrubber
- No algae growth at all
- RAIN2 - Am I on the right path ?
- 3D printed projects
- Sideways water spraying
- Brown Algae Growth ? Next Steps ?
- Cleaning algae growth
- Cyano reactor
- Is this growth okay?
- Next Steps... Need help on my 2nd time around
- Is short on off ATS light cycle OK?
- Slime Producer - Any next steps?
- Waterfall algae scrubber
- New Scrubber pics and questions
- Freshwater Algae scrubber help
- Rain4 Help - Two Months In... Need help.
- Algae scrubber pump off for 12 hrs
- Older scrubber
- RAIN2 Algae Growing from Top Down
- Air flow question
- Fluidized K3 algae scrubber
- Gem5 light placement in diy box question
- Flow question on new Rain2
- Looking for feedback on screen growth