- prevent side spray from pvc to screen
- would you please post your uas results.
- new with ats
- 3 week progress pics
- UAS on a 3g, possible?
- Double Sided Screen vs. Having 2 ATS
- Newbie screen size question
- New member. Thinking bout scrubbing
- Who sells scrubber highlighted in LA Fish Guy videos???
- Minimum flow and light that could work for small tank/screen with small bioload???
- My drain design.
- salt-proofing LED lights
- how many leds for a ats ?
- negative coral reaction to cleaning scrubber
- sulfur smell
- Looking at starting a QT tank
- If I want more LEDs, do I just double up on drivers?
- External standpipe bypass for overflow-fed scrubbers
- Acrylic Box Options/alternatives
- Using ChemiClean on tank with scrubber???
- Really struggling with lighting!!!
- Too Much flow?
- Which of these LEDs would you choise for an ATS?
- Dino's after replacing Bulbs
- Bubbles in my algae?
- Ultra-High Nutrient Tank - No Scrubber Growth
- UK supply for screns
- multiple scrubber questions
- Algae growth
- Scrubbers DO NOT export Phosphorus
- Question about harvesting/cleaning scrubber?
- Up and running for a few months, need to tweak. Suggestions Please
- Can i use 3m scrubber for screen? In Fresh Water!
- What time of day do you run your UAS lights and Air pump?
- Algae Scrubber & Phosphate Reactor Combo - Bad?
- Growing surface suggestion
- algae scrubber for xl tanks?
- Scrubber vs. Hair Algae and other nasty stuff
- Algae hairs ending up in display (Freshwater setup)?
- Cycling A New Tank With A Algae Turf Scrubber
- No growth. Looking for advice
- gave up on scrubber on BC29
- Freshwater HOB AS-- question about wattage.
- ok i want to give this a try and was wanting to know if i did it right
- Photosynthetically Induced Phosphate Precipitation
- How to start a new system with a ATS
- Howdy from Scotland
- Carbon dosing and scrubbers
- Should I stick to the 7 day cleaning rule for my screen?
- Velcro in tank
- Weird problem in display, and detachment in 5 days after cleaning...
- Return Flow vs Tank Size and the effect on scrubber efficiency
- full power or dim led scrubber?
- Micro or macro ?
- German compagny promoting macro algea system
- pump and reflectors?
- FOWLR with a ATS only?
- bubble algae
- Thoughts !
- Water screen problem, why?
- has anyone determined minimum distance from screen to the glass or closest wall
- Hog waterfall scrubber!
- Been following this thread
- Uas led question
- Use of algae scrubber on a hospital / quarantine tank?
- How to keep screen algae alive when out of tank for a couple days???
- polyps receding
- Advice please!!
- Led question
- Is it ok if...
- LED Floodlight recommendation
- Slit flow rate
- Yellow aglae growth from dosing Vit C...? High Alkalinity?
- strange alga invades the entire aquarium
- Cleaned scrubber.....cloudy water now
- PAR38 LED spotlights?
- gguertin 180 l4 waterfall scrubber
- a cleaning problem or more light needed?
- 17 G Tall tank.
- Thoughts on this bulb
- How long does it take?
- FW Observations
- scrubber dying
- Shawn new to scrubbers
- High Nitrate Levels
- LED Array for 15" x 10" Scrubber - Picture Attached, Help Please
- Floyd's questions about wattage
- Note on diamond diffuser panels
- Tank is Cycling So Where To Start?
- feeding screen cleanings
- Algal ORGANIC uptake of C,N,P in INORGANIC N&P limitation.
- Counter Weight Algae Scrubber
- Can I use LED unknown spectrum
- scrubber and green water
- Plastic Canvas and Mold-Release Wax Coating
- Interesting Magnetic Field !
- Throwing out an idea
- scrubber effects on alkalinity?
- would this work?
- Algal Mat Fluid Dynamics
- Algae scrubber lighting...what works
- Pulsed flow
- cyano scrubber
- Quantifying Biomass
- SPS Polyp Extension way down
- LED builds and calculator don't add up
- Clean the screen while dark
- How about a long thin one?
- home depot new CREE bulbs?
- Thought on this RGB LED
- from pl to led what to do?
- Macro algae
- Using CO2 for the bubbles on an upflow algae scrubber
- New inexpensive red/blue LED screw-in bulbs?
- To much FLOW ?
- 30W Cree LED Emitter 30 Watts Red Blue Grow Light DIY
- Where to order screen material? (EU)
- Did We Ever Figure Out the Brown SPS Issue?
- Skimmer functionality when running a scrubber
- LED Bulb 18W
- T5 Tubes
- Four months scrubber and nitrate and phosphate at same level
- 650nm-660nm LED Bulb
- Beginners Question
- multichip led question
- First time scrubber!
- Idea for a new system
- Freshwater ATS discussion
- Why red LEDs ?
- Odd scrubber... lighting questions
- Mixed Scrubber Concept
- UAS design for FW
- I found the answer..
- Types of edible freshwater algae
- Rinse the cube?
- Floating scrubber
- Brand new to this!
- New PAR38 off the shelf grow light
- Dwell Time, and Plastic Canvas vs. Green Grabber
- Newbie Questions
- Sizing question
- Effects of screen algae death?
- How come???
- Algae Screen Color Analysis
- brand new tank
- "Scrubber"/refugium concept - Thoughts on this?
- No growth so far on day 4
- Velcro scrubber screen
- algea moved from screen to display
- how to transport algea from old to new screen
- Bubble algae out of control in scrubbed tank.
- Recent iron dosing methods
- SURF2 Question
- THICK peeling scrub tonight...
- ATS Led Ribbon 620nm vs. Ebay 3w 650nm Difference.
- Andy's Freshwater ATS - part 2
- Scrubber Slot Noise
- Eliminating, destroying, getting rid of Hair Algae in Display Tank - with Scrubber Help
- Pls help me with buying screen for scrubber
- Scrubber Plastic Canvas or....??
- cykling a new tank
- Algae on scrubber very thick.
- changing from cfl to led but how many should i use ?
- Why the box?
- greengrabber vs crushed live rock?
- Egg crate floating scrubber?
- yellow growth on front of screen but green on back side ?
- SantaMonica HOG Kickstarter
- Nitrates still high
- Will an ATS filter water from the effects of coral allelopathy ?
- Help with freshwater scrubber
- Can someone check my calcs please?
- Algae and trace minerals
- giving uas second and final shot.
- Algae is taking over my tank!
- brackish scrubber?
- was thinking about coral food
- HOG.5 Bubbles
- What happened when you ran with and witout a Skimmer Thread!
- light in sump good or bad?
- Surf2 Results
- Algae scrubber for 1,000ltr tank
- Snail food
- Cant fight algae in dt
- water movement in/out the HOG.5 too slow
- my algae problem
- Andy's FW ATS - part 3
- silly question - what the different between them 2?
- Dosing over the Screen
- Corals not so brilliant
- any sumpless ATS tanks out there?
- vinegar dosing with a scrubber
- What is the nitrogen content of a "cube"?
- My scrubbed tank (pics)
- Cladophora consumption of bicarbonate
- 6 Inch By 8 Inch 1 Sided Scrubber
- ats algae nice n long BUT main tank also.....
- New to marines 4x2x2 scrubber size confusion help plz :(
- Oversize scrubber to overcome algae in DT and allow more feeding?
- upflow algae scrubber submersible lights?
- New scrubber build
- Will this Work?
- Resellers please keep your sales posts to the DIY Resellers section
- Diagonal 1-sided ATS
- Growth pics
- Screen Flow
- Comment on my Scrubber
- T5 compare to LED lighting
- Freshwater DIY HOG UAS
- Old book
- AquariCare Algae Scrubber - Need Feedback (video included)
- Underwater horizontal scrubber
- I need help with my ATS
- Work or not
- will plasma lighting be next?
- led bulbs from home depot
- Fixing Scrubber issues/fine tuning algae growth on ATS or UAS
- Waterfall Scrubber on a 3 Standpipe Return Set Up
- New surf2
- Scrubber at fish-street
- Dosing Fe question
- First attempt-welcome feedback
- Newbie questin
- Need help with my design for an algae scrubber!
- surf type scrubber info
- again a new starter
- How many MIX2s type?
- Black plastic canvas
- eshine nova s2
- ATS integrated to sump - please advice!
- help me build an ALL in one ATS system PLZ
- First try at waterfall scrubber
- Thoughts on algae scrubber
- ats in a quarantine tank
- ATS help needed
- FS: Santa Monica Hog1x with Fusion Pump
- First build...
- cant get nitrates down
- What I have discovered today
- Need ideas
- Thoughts on this lamp?
- Best LED Bulb Yet?
- Update: Two weeks of growth
- DIY Algae scrubber design
- Results. Anyone please
- No water change with an algae scrubber
- Interesting discussion on how ATS can be poisonous
- Surf 2 - getting it going?
- T8 Tube LEDs advice