View Full Version : Algae Scrubber/Reactor Question and Problem Solving

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  1. prevent side spray from pvc to screen
  2. would you please post your uas results.
  3. new with ats
  4. 3 week progress pics
  5. UAS on a 3g, possible?
  6. Double Sided Screen vs. Having 2 ATS
  7. Newbie screen size question
  8. New member. Thinking bout scrubbing
  9. Who sells scrubber highlighted in LA Fish Guy videos???
  10. Minimum flow and light that could work for small tank/screen with small bioload???
  11. My drain design.
  12. salt-proofing LED lights
  13. how many leds for a ats ?
  14. negative coral reaction to cleaning scrubber
  15. sulfur smell
  16. Looking at starting a QT tank
  17. If I want more LEDs, do I just double up on drivers?
  18. External standpipe bypass for overflow-fed scrubbers
  19. Acrylic Box Options/alternatives
  20. Using ChemiClean on tank with scrubber???
  21. Really struggling with lighting!!!
  22. Too Much flow?
  23. Which of these LEDs would you choise for an ATS?
  24. Dino's after replacing Bulbs
  25. Bubbles in my algae?
  26. Ultra-High Nutrient Tank - No Scrubber Growth
  27. UK supply for screns
  28. multiple scrubber questions
  29. Algae growth
  30. Scrubbers DO NOT export Phosphorus
  31. Question about harvesting/cleaning scrubber?
  32. Up and running for a few months, need to tweak. Suggestions Please
  33. Can i use 3m scrubber for screen? In Fresh Water!
  34. What time of day do you run your UAS lights and Air pump?
  35. Algae Scrubber & Phosphate Reactor Combo - Bad?
  36. Growing surface suggestion
  37. algae scrubber for xl tanks?
  38. Scrubber vs. Hair Algae and other nasty stuff
  39. Algae hairs ending up in display (Freshwater setup)?
  40. Cycling A New Tank With A Algae Turf Scrubber
  41. No growth. Looking for advice
  42. gave up on scrubber on BC29
  43. Freshwater HOB AS-- question about wattage.
  44. ok i want to give this a try and was wanting to know if i did it right
  45. Photosynthetically Induced Phosphate Precipitation
  46. How to start a new system with a ATS
  47. Howdy from Scotland
  48. Carbon dosing and scrubbers
  49. Should I stick to the 7 day cleaning rule for my screen?
  50. Velcro in tank
  51. Weird problem in display, and detachment in 5 days after cleaning...
  52. Return Flow vs Tank Size and the effect on scrubber efficiency
  53. full power or dim led scrubber?
  54. Micro or macro ?
  55. German compagny promoting macro algea system
  56. pump and reflectors?
  57. FOWLR with a ATS only?
  58. bubble algae
  60. Thoughts !
  61. Water screen problem, why?
  62. has anyone determined minimum distance from screen to the glass or closest wall
  63. Hog waterfall scrubber!
  64. Been following this thread
  65. Uas led question
  66. Use of algae scrubber on a hospital / quarantine tank?
  67. How to keep screen algae alive when out of tank for a couple days???
  68. polyps receding
  69. Advice please!!
  70. Led question
  71. Is it ok if...
  72. LED Floodlight recommendation
  73. Slit flow rate
  74. Yellow aglae growth from dosing Vit C...? High Alkalinity?
  75. strange alga invades the entire aquarium
  76. Cleaned scrubber.....cloudy water now
  77. PAR38 LED spotlights?
  78. gguertin 180 l4 waterfall scrubber
  79. a cleaning problem or more light needed?
  80. 17 G Tall tank.
  81. Thoughts on this bulb
  82. How long does it take?
  83. FW Observations
  84. scrubber dying
  85. Shawn new to scrubbers
  86. High Nitrate Levels
  87. LED Array for 15" x 10" Scrubber - Picture Attached, Help Please
  88. Floyd's questions about wattage
  89. Note on diamond diffuser panels
  90. Tank is Cycling So Where To Start?
  91. feeding screen cleanings
  92. Algal ORGANIC uptake of C,N,P in INORGANIC N&P limitation.
  93. Counter Weight Algae Scrubber
  94. Can I use LED unknown spectrum
  95. scrubber and green water
  96. Plastic Canvas and Mold-Release Wax Coating
  97. Interesting Magnetic Field !
  98. Throwing out an idea
  99. scrubber effects on alkalinity?
  100. would this work?
  101. Algal Mat Fluid Dynamics
  102. Algae scrubber lighting...what works
  103. Pulsed flow
  104. cyano scrubber
  105. Quantifying Biomass
  106. SPS Polyp Extension way down
  107. LED builds and calculator don't add up
  108. Clean the screen while dark
  109. How about a long thin one?
  110. home depot new CREE bulbs?
  111. Thought on this RGB LED
  112. from pl to led what to do?
  113. Macro algae
  114. Using CO2 for the bubbles on an upflow algae scrubber
  115. New inexpensive red/blue LED screw-in bulbs?
  116. To much FLOW ?
  117. 30W Cree LED Emitter 30 Watts Red Blue Grow Light DIY
  118. Where to order screen material? (EU)
  119. Did We Ever Figure Out the Brown SPS Issue?
  120. Skimmer functionality when running a scrubber
  121. LED Bulb 18W
  122. T5 Tubes
  123. Four months scrubber and nitrate and phosphate at same level
  124. 650nm-660nm LED Bulb
  125. Beginners Question
  126. multichip led question
  127. First time scrubber!
  128. Idea for a new system
  129. Freshwater ATS discussion
  130. Why red LEDs ?
  131. Odd scrubber... lighting questions
  132. Mixed Scrubber Concept
  133. UAS design for FW
  134. I found the answer..
  135. Types of edible freshwater algae
  136. Rinse the cube?
  137. Floating scrubber
  138. Brand new to this!
  139. New PAR38 off the shelf grow light
  140. Dwell Time, and Plastic Canvas vs. Green Grabber
  141. Newbie Questions
  142. Sizing question
  143. Effects of screen algae death?
  144. How come???
  145. Algae Screen Color Analysis
  146. brand new tank
  147. "Scrubber"/refugium concept - Thoughts on this?
  148. No growth so far on day 4
  149. Velcro scrubber screen
  150. algea moved from screen to display
  151. how to transport algea from old to new screen
  152. Bubble algae out of control in scrubbed tank.
  153. Recent iron dosing methods
  154. SURF2 Question
  155. THICK peeling scrub tonight...
  156. ATS Led Ribbon 620nm vs. Ebay 3w 650nm Difference.
  157. Andy's Freshwater ATS - part 2
  158. Scrubber Slot Noise
  159. Eliminating, destroying, getting rid of Hair Algae in Display Tank - with Scrubber Help
  160. Pls help me with buying screen for scrubber
  161. Scrubber Plastic Canvas or....??
  162. cykling a new tank
  163. Algae on scrubber very thick.
  164. changing from cfl to led but how many should i use ?
  165. Why the box?
  166. greengrabber vs crushed live rock?
  167. Egg crate floating scrubber?
  168. yellow growth on front of screen but green on back side ?
  169. SantaMonica HOG Kickstarter
  170. Nitrates still high
  171. Will an ATS filter water from the effects of coral allelopathy ?
  172. Help with freshwater scrubber
  173. Can someone check my calcs please?
  174. Algae and trace minerals
  175. giving uas second and final shot.
  176. Algae is taking over my tank!
  177. brackish scrubber?
  178. was thinking about coral food
  179. HOG.5 Bubbles
  180. What happened when you ran with and witout a Skimmer Thread!
  181. light in sump good or bad?
  182. Surf2 Results
  183. Algae scrubber for 1,000ltr tank
  184. Snail food
  185. Cant fight algae in dt
  186. water movement in/out the HOG.5 too slow
  187. my algae problem
  188. Andy's FW ATS - part 3
  189. silly question - what the different between them 2?
  190. Dosing over the Screen
  191. Corals not so brilliant
  192. any sumpless ATS tanks out there?
  193. vinegar dosing with a scrubber
  194. What is the nitrogen content of a "cube"?
  195. My scrubbed tank (pics)
  196. Cladophora consumption of bicarbonate
  197. 6 Inch By 8 Inch 1 Sided Scrubber
  198. ats algae nice n long BUT main tank also.....
  199. New to marines 4x2x2 scrubber size confusion help plz :(
  200. Oversize scrubber to overcome algae in DT and allow more feeding?
  201. upflow algae scrubber submersible lights?
  202. New scrubber build
  203. Will this Work?
  204. Resellers please keep your sales posts to the DIY Resellers section
  205. Diagonal 1-sided ATS
  206. Growth pics
  207. Screen Flow
  208. Comment on my Scrubber
  209. T5 compare to LED lighting
  210. Freshwater DIY HOG UAS
  211. Old book
  212. AquariCare Algae Scrubber - Need Feedback (video included)
  213. Underwater horizontal scrubber
  214. I need help with my ATS
  215. Work or not
  216. will plasma lighting be next?
  217. led bulbs from home depot
  218. Fixing Scrubber issues/fine tuning algae growth on ATS or UAS
  219. Waterfall Scrubber on a 3 Standpipe Return Set Up
  220. New surf2
  221. Scrubber at fish-street
  222. Dosing Fe question
  223. First attempt-welcome feedback
  224. Newbie questin
  225. Need help with my design for an algae scrubber!
  226. surf type scrubber info
  227. again a new starter
  228. How many MIX2s type?
  229. Black plastic canvas
  230. eshine nova s2
  231. ATS integrated to sump - please advice!
  232. help me build an ALL in one ATS system PLZ
  233. First try at waterfall scrubber
  234. Thoughts on algae scrubber
  235. ats in a quarantine tank
  236. ATS help needed
  237. FS: Santa Monica Hog1x with Fusion Pump
  238. First build...
  239. cant get nitrates down
  240. What I have discovered today
  241. Need ideas
  242. Thoughts on this lamp?
  243. Best LED Bulb Yet?
  244. Update: Two weeks of growth
  245. DIY Algae scrubber design
  246. Results. Anyone please
  247. No water change with an algae scrubber
  248. Interesting discussion on how ATS can be poisonous
  249. Surf 2 - getting it going?
  250. T8 Tube LEDs advice