- Water at bottom of ATS bucket
- Pods in tank or debris from filter sock & floss??
- Switching to a new screen?
- Adding a Fan to an ATS?
- Can an ATS cause problems with Acropora / SPS?
- even lighting doubled my growth
- Algae Scruber from Poland :)
- potassium depletion with ATS?
- RSM 250 with scrubber?
- Cant do the math
- Placement of algae scrubber
- For Sale: Santa Monica 100 Acrylic Scrubber - $350
- cleaning scrubber box
- new tank setup
- HLLE or Lateral line disease
- Guide me to the right way please
- Micro Table Saw for cutting slots
- Would these lights work?
- Drain noise on a DIY SM100-style scrubber
- The best scrubber of 2010
- what pump to use?
- Is this mesh any good?
- cycling diatom bloom
- is my scrubber to big?
- New scrubber questions, and introduction!
- how many fish?
- history lesson
- i have a big problem with my Algae Scrubber
- Need a pre-built scrubber please!
- Idea
- Water flow going in between my double screen. OK?
- Sulfates?
- non photo corals and scrubbed tanks
- A Few Questions
- Red hair algae?
- first scrubber
- new to site
- Help on my design/idea
- Discus tank
- Algae growth
- lights
- 49/square inch or 25/square inch?
- how long have you gone without a waterchange?
- close up pics of algae turf/green?
- Constructive appraisal sought
- Scrubber on new tank Questions and help please
- Lighting and feeding
- SantaMonica's bucket filter
- Outdoor CFL Floodlights
- First week after my scrubber
- Look what I did today
- scrubber for live bait tank?
- what else will algae absorb?
- New Scrubber. Quick Question
- Algea scrubber help
- Cleaning screen
- Pump
- scrubbers making a name!! / next leap in scrubbers
- maintenance and lighting
- natural ocean water?
- Mandarins, Copepods & ATS
- is my ats compatible with my system
- Building My First Scrubber?
- Curious Newby
- Scrubber on a Quarantine tank?
- Scrubber with NO live rock
- koi pond sun lit horizontial scrubber
- Interesting
- Official Scrubber Pay-it-Forward thread
- New Tank, New scrubber????
- My little scrubber
- New Santa Monica 100 Set Up
- 12" T5
- cleaning "mature" screen?
- Anyone using Miracle Mud to replenish Trace?
- New Santa Monica 100
- if I got a 200 gallon sump?
- New to scrubber
- Diver Photographs Needed
- Phosphates leveled @ 1ppm?
- New tank time
- DD Salt
- my new tank, and scrubber lay down in sump. and Question.
- No Skimate
- Need Some HELP ASAP
- uv steralizer
- running ats off drain
- ats and tampa bay saltwater live rock "the package"
- replacement material for the screen
- Coraline
- cyano&calupra on the rise?
- Scrub every week
- Phosphate leaking out of rocks...
- Stage 2 of Scrubbing.
- new sm scrubbers scrubbers
- clownfish fry with scrubbers natural food?
- New to ATS need some info
- The hunt for clean display tank with SM-100
- Bulb changes
- How and when to dose iron.
- Photo Period
- Beer can refectors
- scrubber making shrimp?
- carbon
- Scrubber as a fert tuning tool?
- New here!
- Hana phosphate meter
- discus tank
- Algae Scrubbers Topics Everywhere!!
- thousands of white dots in sump
- Some questions before the build
- planning on algea scrubber tomorow. few last minute question
- 3-D growth oriented scrubber
- ATS mentioned in new Public Aquariul Lit.
- ATS on large tanks?
- does cold water slow growth?
- Pix of ATS and Phosphate Questions
- Questions from Greece!
- 18" T5 HO bulbs
- got an idea.....
- week one of Lego Scrubber
- Use a carbide tip "rasp" bit to roughen up your screen
- My RC account and sticky
- Custom Build Santa Monica 100
- ATS on RSM 130D
- slime and cyano showing up!
- Divers, bulbs, pumps, turf, quotes, studies
- Hello To You All! Newbie with Question, Please!
- Best Position For SM100 Scrubber!
- What's happened to Worley?
- Two screens for total standalone filtration?
- Final answer needed by newbie re: seeding
- dino's!
- more flow?
- Need help gathering algae scrubber myths
- Science behind ATS: photosynthesis, ATP, and all that jazz
- algae blocking the water flow.
- Big problem Need Help
- black turf
- SM100 Complete Cleaning Video
- Initial "break-in" photoperiod
- Ats concern
- t5 lighting
- BioCube Modification
- Any Step by Step to ATS?
- Already use ATS before, some questions
- New to the ATS
- Everyone, please vote for RC thread!
- Acrylic Thickness
- New Tank
- Screen divided in 2
- I'm Sold!
- santa double check my scrubber plz
- 2 weeks of scrubbing with my ATS box
- 2 SM 100's on a 180 reef
- 42 Watt CFL Bulbs on Sale
- Leaving it a couple more days
- SantaMonica what is this?
- How deep into the sump? / Introduction
- reduced my screen size today
- Europe ATS Users - TMC Gro-Beam Tiles
- ATS parts for sale
- algae colour
- Feather Star & ATS
- Iron
- need some help
- why do i get a bit of green on my screen, goes oily black
- Scrubber pump help
- Green tint to my DT water
- Replacing T5 Bulbs
- ATS on AIO back chamber
- Slow Growth
- From a thread on RC.
- constructing ats lighting
- Screen Attachment and Detachment
- ats vs. lobophora
- Pod species
- Does ph affect the scrubber?
- BB and Sumpless with an Algae Scrubber designs.
- Milky water
- Scrubber to substantial bio filtration, Freshwater planted
- video clip
- TMC Aquaray - Grobeam
- Green Water and Algae Scrubbers
- Just want some input on my first attempt
- 3D Algae Scrubber
- Scrubber / wave simulation
- Dark brown screen
- SM-100 on my ELOS 120
- ATS lighting?
- How to ramp up feeding on a new ATS system
- What size screen and how much lighting?
- Algae Scrubber, more what?
- Santa Monica 50 ???
- Scrubber + Skimmer in a FOWLR?
- Lost my Copper band
- red slime/cyano
- Gorgonians and seafans non-photosynthetic
- managing right Amonia & nitrate levels wid home made devices
- Adey video from 20 years ago
- size sorry just checking
- ATS Question
- surge device
- Cyano triggered by scrubber? (from thread on RC)
- Alternative Screen Material
- ATS for 90G Reef Tank
- Cutting The Slot
- BIG thanks
- New to the ATS
- zero edge tank is working as scrubber
- Splash screen
- Request
- Flow prob?
- Screen size for tank
- Is there too much water flow?
- equipment for my nano scrubber
- Clarification from FAQ's
- winning the cyano battle :)
- Article on Reeftools about Scrubbers
- SM100 Design With Fans Built In
- Return pipe
- Adey's newest thing...
- Lighting cycle timings.
- Help with adding scrubber to turtle pond
- What is the GPH of water coming from overflow
- Tape
- dying fish
- 3 SM 100's for sale
- My algae scrubber - weird circles on the net
- YouTube Videos of reef tank
- light distance from screen
- First 100 Watt-Equivalent LED Bulb
- My scrubber story/questions
- ozonizer effect on ats
- 200g tank
- CopePods
- Heat when 3D scrubbing
- Doesn't have much green algae
- Setting up a Scrubber for Hospital/Quarantine
- 150g turnaround
- Source of Filtration
- Lighting query
- ATS vs. Silicate?
- Acrylic as a screen material
- algae on glass!!