- Question about Silicates
- Brown dust algae
- The Great Algae-Light Source Experiment
- reef central WTF?
- New scrubber how long?
- Additives
- Caulerpa Prolifera
- Red Algae
- SM 100 on my 350 Reef
- Shining light through thick glass?
- CurrentUSA T5HO Fixture PAR Readings
- Scrubber Drawbacks
- Dosing Iron
- no algae
- my first scrubber i have some questions
- Mylar in contact with aquarium water?
- Tap water
- Water flow
- The first period
- How clean?
- can you have to much flow?
- FAQ document translation and update
- Cure for insomnia!
- what count of plastic cavas to use?
- idea on screen roughness
- For sale Cree XM-L LED
- Pancaked Screens
- Algae Scrubber Survey of Results
- A magazine devoted to algae!
- power of diversity
- New scrubber - new sump
- Ice Algae Growth Instead of Hair?
- Skimmer/ ATS
- Need help! Making a nano(pico) sized LED scrubber singleside
- CFL reflector comparison test
- How much PAR needed for scrubber screen?
- 7G setup
- Let your Green be seen!
- Help - red algae !
- Diff ATS Screen Material Options?
- PH jump
- ATS air out design
- reccomended algae scrubber cycle procedure?
- link to scrubbed pico build thread
- Anyone know if this has been tried?
- wow glad I found this site
- 75g Display is getting a new friend
- Species of Algae that grow into scrubber
- Scrubber On A New Tank
- plastic sheet: waterfall or submersion
- Interesting video about increased CO2 effect on plant growth
- SM100 regular weekly cleaning
- Food Particle in tank?
- Couple of questions
- scrubber for bass fry tank?
- SPS growth and scrubbing
- Sponges
- Got it going
- algae in nature question
- SPS domain + ATS,anyone succeed?
- Micro bubble remover
- Looking for a scrubber for 10g
- lights off?
- Best reflector for a CFL
- These RC folks need help
- Light source suggestions
- question about algae
- Step by step on setting up lighting?
- switching out tanks w/scrubber
- RO/DI top off and algae scrubbers
- Algae and Kelvin Bulb Ratings, plus other light info
- Basic ATS Question
- Algae Produce toxin???Help me SantaMonica!
- LA Fish Guys video
- Great Ties for Screens!!
- Confused about flow
- Algae in China
- scrub from Italy
- Acrylic warp behind t-5s?
- how ATSs improve water clarity (warning: long and science-y)
- question about nuisance algae
- Looking for more 5gallon bucket designs
- Dinoflagellate
- how often do you guys clean pumps?
- see through algae
- New here, with scrubber question.
- Bought my Santa-Monica100 today!
- DIY iron supplement
- Whats wrong!?
- Tap water
- changing out screen
- My first scrubber under construction...
- A reminder about lighting
- water level
- What algae appears first when scrubber starts to weaken?
- best use of 5 gallon space?
- who has gone the longest without a water change?
- Lighting and flow questions
- How much flow can your drains handle?
- Ammonia Scrubbers
- is this right
- special thanx to santa (( now i am scrubbing))
- might remove my sand bed
- This is amazing!!!
- Small reflectors negate a large screen
- Elevated dissolved organic carbon and coral mortality.
- Bulbs
- what went wrong????
- jnads scrubber rebuilding
- How long can a screen survive without light?
- Overflow
- Could this be the perfect LED light for a scrubber?
- ATS: Pushing the Limits...
- Sm 100 bubbles
- Sea Hare Food
- Scrubber help
- Worth setting it up scrubber with miracle mud
- 12 x 12 enough?
- hyposalinity
- Does one have to cut the zip ties to remove the screen?
- These LEDs ok ?
- Found an essential tool for this hobby!!!
- Lighting questions
- should i add coral zoo plankton with ats
- Help quiet my scrubber down
- Cleaning question
- What does ATS absorb?
- was down for 3 days due to storm:(
- H2O2 and an ATS
- 225 Gallon Scrubber
- Hi all ... new to Algaescrubber
- Brown Hair Algae
- New symptom
- huge mistake with silicon, my ats can handle
- was watching (tanked) and wondered...
- ~3 week ATS on 110g results
- Plants in FW, scrubbers in SW
- Reflector and bulb
- Need help building ats.
- RC information correction
- film algae on glass ,,again..
- Guesstimates on copepod production
- Still getting dark algae.
- Adey - Dyanmic Aquaria Vol.3
- Green Cast to Water
- Hyposalinity ATS Hospital Tank
- Cutting slot help (even flow)
- Algae Growth at top of screen
- cyano problem
- Is it enough light?
- Sump
- scrubber and ozone
- LED test on SM100
- screen directly in the aquarium
- Cyano in display
- Start-up questions..
- Scrubber cleaning
- Why use GFO instead of ATS?
- Scrubber set up 8months not working!!!!
- Red Turf Algae...
- Where is everyone getting their 3 watt 660 LEDs?
- New tank...New ATS
- T5 luminaire for hydroponics- Any good?
- DIY LED wavelengths and total wattage
- combining iron and two part dosing
- ATS Version 1.2
- Evolution of my scrubber
- Browning SPS
- Added more watts
- Bryopsis maybe causing scrubber problems?
- Noob & Noob Freshwater Scrubber......
- SM100 week 6 algae check
- Adeys Patent
- Strip light for scrubber?
- F24T5 bulbs?
- Nitrates with no Phosphates
- Ulva Growing on Screen
- 3w Red led`s
- Green growth.
- pump failure
- need scrubber help
- Live rock
- Light Period to be questioned?
- LED suggestion
- Week 2 Growth
- Starting over kinda (with LED's)
- I Just buy a Led 55 * 3W
- Screen height
- Custom Overflow Boxes
- help!! hammer coral and yellow tang sudden death!!
- Siphon and Bubbles from Above the Tank ATS
- Browning of corals
- Need help
- Water Changes
- I finally got green!!!
- hammer corals back in decline
- please define some words for me
- My new ATS Please Help
- 120g ats **ADJUSTED**
- Quick question about ats bulbs
- Kelvin
- how much to feed this time around?
- Seaweed chemical warfare
- Decrease in flow
- Red Algae
- Surface film
- Starting up a New Tank with a SM100 - Cycling Questions
- What does an ATS actually do to the water parameters?
- No water changes.. pls help.
- Low light scrubber
- Licensing ideas for the new scrubber in 2012
- Looking for some design help.
- solar powered algae scrubber, by main tank lights?
- Question about bulbs not lasting
- Help finding 18"bulb 3000k
- What is 'distributed filtration'?
- Need Ideas for Analytical Research Thesis
- SPS dietary requirements
- Few questions. Phyto, CUC and rubble in sump.
- Can a scrubber replace a Deionization filter?
- Algae Scrubber on a Temperate/Coldwater system?
- some quesitons from a rookie
- recommended flow rate
- Emergency pump
- New scrubber with 1/2 LED
- heatsink/leds hunting for good prices
- Old CFL Bulbs
- $4 T5HO Bulbs???
- Natural sunlight for Temperate ATS?
- Help with Acros, no PE, dark (not brown) colors
- Metrics of success
- need some advice... new to ATS
- Should I remove Coil Denitrator now that I have a scrubber
- DIY Enclosure for LED lighting on SM100
- 14 day ATS.
- Recommendation for Setup
- I chuckle when I see posts about hair algae!
- Need help getting started
- I'm new! Nano scrubber for 5g
- Spare Screen?
- Live Rock in a Scrubber System
- afraid of shutting off the skimmer
- clown fish fry in a scrubed tank
- Light distance
- Handeling DOCs
- T5HO red color ?
- Need help finding to buy or designing my own led light.
- T5HO and T5 normal
- ORP readings