View Full Version : Algae Scrubber/Reactor Question and Problem Solving

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  1. Question about Silicates
  2. Brown dust algae
  3. The Great Algae-Light Source Experiment
  4. reef central WTF?
  5. New scrubber how long?
  6. Additives
  7. Caulerpa Prolifera
  8. Red Algae
  9. SM 100 on my 350 Reef
  10. Shining light through thick glass?
  11. CurrentUSA T5HO Fixture PAR Readings
  12. Scrubber Drawbacks
  13. Dosing Iron
  14. no algae
  15. my first scrubber i have some questions
  16. Mylar in contact with aquarium water?
  17. Tap water
  18. Water flow
  19. The first period
  20. How clean?
  21. can you have to much flow?
  22. FAQ document translation and update
  23. Cure for insomnia!
  24. what count of plastic cavas to use?
  25. idea on screen roughness
  26. For sale Cree XM-L LED
  27. Pancaked Screens
  28. Algae Scrubber Survey of Results
  29. A magazine devoted to algae!
  30. power of diversity
  31. New scrubber - new sump
  32. Ice Algae Growth Instead of Hair?
  33. Skimmer/ ATS
  34. Need help! Making a nano(pico) sized LED scrubber singleside
  35. CFL reflector comparison test
  36. How much PAR needed for scrubber screen?
  37. 7G setup
  38. Let your Green be seen!
  39. Help - red algae !
  40. Diff ATS Screen Material Options?
  41. PH jump
  42. ATS air out design
  43. reccomended algae scrubber cycle procedure?
  44. link to scrubbed pico build thread
  45. Anyone know if this has been tried?
  46. wow glad I found this site
  47. 75g Display is getting a new friend
  48. Species of Algae that grow into scrubber
  49. Scrubber On A New Tank
  50. plastic sheet: waterfall or submersion
  51. Interesting video about increased CO2 effect on plant growth
  52. SM100 regular weekly cleaning
  53. Food Particle in tank?
  54. Couple of questions
  55. scrubber for bass fry tank?
  56. SPS growth and scrubbing
  57. Sponges
  58. Got it going
  59. algae in nature question
  60. SPS domain + ATS,anyone succeed?
  61. Micro bubble remover
  62. Looking for a scrubber for 10g
  63. lights off?
  64. Best reflector for a CFL
  65. These RC folks need help
  66. Light source suggestions
  67. question about algae
  68. Step by step on setting up lighting?
  69. switching out tanks w/scrubber
  70. RO/DI top off and algae scrubbers
  71. Algae and Kelvin Bulb Ratings, plus other light info
  72. Basic ATS Question
  73. Algae Produce toxin???Help me SantaMonica!
  74. LA Fish Guys video
  75. Great Ties for Screens!!
  76. Confused about flow
  77. Algae in China
  78. scrub from Italy
  79. Acrylic warp behind t-5s?
  80. how ATSs improve water clarity (warning: long and science-y)
  81. question about nuisance algae
  82. Looking for more 5gallon bucket designs
  83. Dinoflagellate
  84. how often do you guys clean pumps?
  85. see through algae
  86. New here, with scrubber question.
  88. Bought my Santa-Monica100 today!
  89. DIY iron supplement
  90. Whats wrong!?
  91. Tap water
  92. changing out screen
  93. My first scrubber under construction...
  94. A reminder about lighting
  95. water level
  96. What algae appears first when scrubber starts to weaken?
  97. best use of 5 gallon space?
  98. who has gone the longest without a water change?
  99. Lighting and flow questions
  100. How much flow can your drains handle?
  101. Ammonia Scrubbers
  102. is this right
  103. special thanx to santa (( now i am scrubbing))
  104. might remove my sand bed
  105. This is amazing!!!
  106. Small reflectors negate a large screen
  107. Elevated dissolved organic carbon and coral mortality.
  108. Bulbs
  109. what went wrong????
  110. jnads scrubber rebuilding
  111. How long can a screen survive without light?
  112. Overflow
  113. Could this be the perfect LED light for a scrubber?
  114. ATS: Pushing the Limits...
  115. Sm 100 bubbles
  116. Sea Hare Food
  117. Scrubber help
  118. Worth setting it up scrubber with miracle mud
  119. 12 x 12 enough?
  120. hyposalinity
  121. Does one have to cut the zip ties to remove the screen?
  122. These LEDs ok ?
  123. Found an essential tool for this hobby!!!
  124. Lighting questions
  125. should i add coral zoo plankton with ats
  126. Help quiet my scrubber down
  127. Cleaning question
  128. What does ATS absorb?
  129. was down for 3 days due to storm:(
  130. H2O2 and an ATS
  131. 225 Gallon Scrubber
  132. Hi all ... new to Algaescrubber
  133. Brown Hair Algae
  134. New symptom
  135. huge mistake with silicon, my ats can handle
  136. was watching (tanked) and wondered...
  137. ~3 week ATS on 110g results
  138. Plants in FW, scrubbers in SW
  139. Reflector and bulb
  140. Need help building ats.
  141. RC information correction
  142. film algae on glass ,,again..
  143. Guesstimates on copepod production
  144. Still getting dark algae.
  145. Adey - Dyanmic Aquaria Vol.3
  146. Green Cast to Water
  147. Hyposalinity ATS Hospital Tank
  148. Cutting slot help (even flow)
  149. Algae Growth at top of screen
  150. cyano problem
  151. Is it enough light?
  152. Sump
  153. scrubber and ozone
  154. LED test on SM100
  155. screen directly in the aquarium
  156. Cyano in display
  157. Start-up questions..
  158. Scrubber cleaning
  159. Why use GFO instead of ATS?
  160. Scrubber set up 8months not working!!!!
  161. Red Turf Algae...
  162. Where is everyone getting their 3 watt 660 LEDs?
  163. New tank...New ATS
  164. T5 luminaire for hydroponics- Any good?
  165. DIY LED wavelengths and total wattage
  166. combining iron and two part dosing
  167. ATS Version 1.2
  168. Evolution of my scrubber
  169. Browning SPS
  170. Added more watts
  171. Bryopsis maybe causing scrubber problems?
  172. Noob & Noob Freshwater Scrubber......
  173. SM100 week 6 algae check
  174. Adeys Patent
  175. Strip light for scrubber?
  176. F24T5 bulbs?
  177. Nitrates with no Phosphates
  178. Ulva Growing on Screen
  179. 3w Red led`s
  180. Green growth.
  181. pump failure
  182. need scrubber help
  183. Live rock
  184. Light Period to be questioned?
  185. LED suggestion
  186. Week 2 Growth
  187. Starting over kinda (with LED's)
  188. I Just buy a Led 55 * 3W
  189. Screen height
  190. Custom Overflow Boxes
  191. help!! hammer coral and yellow tang sudden death!!
  192. Siphon and Bubbles from Above the Tank ATS
  193. Browning of corals
  194. Need help
  195. Water Changes
  196. I finally got green!!!
  197. hammer corals back in decline
  198. please define some words for me
  199. My new ATS Please Help
  200. 120g ats **ADJUSTED**
  201. Quick question about ats bulbs
  202. Kelvin
  203. how much to feed this time around?
  204. Seaweed chemical warfare
  205. Decrease in flow
  206. Red Algae
  207. Surface film
  208. Starting up a New Tank with a SM100 - Cycling Questions
  209. What does an ATS actually do to the water parameters?
  210. No water changes.. pls help.
  211. Low light scrubber
  212. Licensing ideas for the new scrubber in 2012
  213. Looking for some design help.
  214. solar powered algae scrubber, by main tank lights?
  215. Question about bulbs not lasting
  216. Help finding 18"bulb 3000k
  217. What is 'distributed filtration'?
  218. Need Ideas for Analytical Research Thesis
  219. SPS dietary requirements
  220. Few questions. Phyto, CUC and rubble in sump.
  221. Can a scrubber replace a Deionization filter?
  222. Algae Scrubber on a Temperate/Coldwater system?
  223. some quesitons from a rookie
  224. recommended flow rate
  225. Emergency pump
  226. New scrubber with 1/2 LED
  227. heatsink/leds hunting for good prices
  228. Old CFL Bulbs
  229. $4 T5HO Bulbs???
  230. Natural sunlight for Temperate ATS?
  231. Help with Acros, no PE, dark (not brown) colors
  232. Metrics of success
  233. need some advice... new to ATS
  234. Should I remove Coil Denitrator now that I have a scrubber
  235. DIY Enclosure for LED lighting on SM100
  236. 14 day ATS.
  237. Recommendation for Setup
  238. I chuckle when I see posts about hair algae!
  239. Need help getting started
  240. I'm new! Nano scrubber for 5g
  241. Spare Screen?
  242. Live Rock in a Scrubber System
  243. afraid of shutting off the skimmer
  244. clown fish fry in a scrubed tank
  245. Light distance
  246. Handeling DOCs
  247. T5HO red color ?
  248. Need help finding to buy or designing my own led light.
  249. T5HO and T5 normal
  250. ORP readings