View Full Version : Algae Scrubber/Reactor Question and Problem Solving

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  1. My power went out
  2. Light Brown Sludge
  3. Scrubbers available at www.Santa-Monica.cc
  4. New cleaning video
  5. Could a controller adjust ph via an algae scubber?
  6. Addition of CO2 ?
  7. Yay, 4000th post!
  8. Duckwed in FW algae scrubber?
  9. Analyze scrubber, not working as expected
  10. Extremely High pH
  11. Cyano killing algae
  12. My "Santa Monica 100 Scrubber"
  13. FW tank - need to use MECh fliter still?
  14. Cyano
  15. Cupramine
  16. Scrubber is back in action, manually remove GHA from display
  17. Goondoo's "Santa Monica 100 Acrylic Scrubber" Customized
  18. Good bye RODI?
  19. Algae Scrubber for Fresh Water set up.
  20. new scrubber
  21. Time to clean?
  22. Hmm......
  23. new to the idea
  24. FW Algae Scrubber
  25. Setting up a reef - some advice please
  26. scrubber questions
  27. Suitable for a scrubber build?
  28. algae scrubber help
  29. why the lopsided growth?
  30. What are you using to scrape?
  31. lighting
  32. Other sites with scrubber threads
  33. Idea for a screen
  34. yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  35. Plasma Light Bulb
  36. Using a SCWD for a verticle surge
  37. Now Available: Economy Pipe and Screen, $39
  38. 3D Scrubbing with a Santa Monica 100 Scrubber
  39. LED Grow lighs?
  40. Water Going Green
  41. Need Help/Advice For Scrubber in a Red Sea Max 130D
  42. Research: New tank build
  43. 4 month old nano for mandarin ?
  44. Extra Rotting food / detritus
  45. switching from sw to fw
  46. Starting new tank
  47. Hi guys!! new here and my scrubber
  48. FW to SW ats
  49. T5 VHO 4' Spectralux Fluorescent Grow Lamps 7200 lumen
  50. Thoughts on this?
  51. Lights and scrubber
  52. Algae Scrubber Design for a 34 Gallon Solana?
  53. Need Help........
  54. My Santa Monica - Algae Acrylic Scrubber 100
  55. Cyano on the screen?
  56. Harvesting pods with a sump based scrubber
  57. More safety warnings needed
  58. Boxfish/cowfish and algae scrubbers
  59. Proof of pods
  60. OverFlow directly to scrubber
  61. Changing Bulb Setup
  62. Will these lights work ?
  63. Feed pipe size matter ??
  64. first time scrubber need some info
  65. Longlasting t5 light
  66. gutted
  67. Scrubber vs ammonia spike Real world example
  68. Scrubber Video
  69. My 3rd ATS Build
  70. pH spike, low kH, assume it's down to the scrubber?
  71. Algae scrubber going green and tank turning brown !
  72. Second Attempt
  73. Stock levels?
  74. Turf Algae ??
  75. would this light work?
  76. Water changes - Any point?
  77. Screen
  78. Refugium style tank with scrubber?
  79. thinking of going marine
  80. algae still in main tank
  81. my ats result
  82. Bulbs color temperature
  83. noob
  84. Green on Rocks
  85. Screen Pictures
  86. Nuiscence Coralline Growth on Scrubber
  87. has anyone heard from kcress ?
  88. My Scrubber Results
  89. Bubbles
  90. First Attempt at Algea Scrubber
  91. How do I get even screen flow?
  92. Scrubber problems (light)
  93. Pods pods and more pods!
  94. New Reefer/Tank Ideas
  95. going skimmerless
  96. LED Algae Lighting
  97. Setting up a breeder system I need some input please
  98. Reef and Coral Nutrition with ATS
  99. CFL problem
  100. Just registered.............
  101. bryopsis
  102. buyer beware
  103. RDSB + Scrubber
  104. Scrubber not worknig??......
  105. Problem
  106. not getting the results i want
  107. Hang On Turf Scrubber
  108. Tru-Vu 55gal for a SM 100
  109. Water Going Dusty
  110. SKIMMER?
  111. Clean up crew before scrubber?
  112. Percula 90
  113. Pancake syrup
  114. Phosban reactors
  115. Hello and question
  116. Vodka with ATS?
  117. What algae should look like/ Cleaning Screen??
  118. New FAQ is posted
  119. Double up on the screen?
  120. Lumens and watts
  121. Q's about my SM100 scrubber
  122. Bubbles from the return
  123. Im scrubbing now!
  124. Time to change tubes?
  125. pictures of my scrubbers
  126. Where to get new Screens
  127. Only using ATS for filteration
  128. lighting for scrubber
  129. Wiring for the Nano 25
  130. new design questions
  131. nano 25 slot and flow
  132. Scrubber word document
  133. White dust?
  134. New tank, no growth
  135. 12 gallon nano cube
  136. I Need Scrubber Help
  137. Best screens and where to purchase?
  138. NH3/NH4+
  139. Lighting Comparison
  140. I think I killed my algae
  141. scrubbing again
  142. where to drain in?
  143. making my first scrubber to replace skimmer!
  144. well its done!
  145. Some Basic Questions...
  146. Polyflex 2
  147. Too much Light?
  148. New to algae scrubbers
  149. Correct "count" for plastic canvas material?
  150. Want to build a Scrubber for a 140
  151. removing metals?
  152. Is my ATS go the right way?
  153. ATS on a Breeding System
  154. Would like a few tips or suggestions
  155. slot size???
  156. best screen to use?
  157. is bigger better?
  158. Bulb Suitability - UK Supply
  159. Need suggestions with my system
  160. red tide!!!
  161. splash shield
  162. ATS Fed From Overflow
  163. First ATS is live - did I do it right?
  164. light polution
  165. dark grean powder algae
  166. Leaching Rocks and Coraline Algae
  167. 5100K Bulbs
  168. How many LPH
  169. cloudy water
  170. Dripping Randy's 2part Alk and Ca + mag
  171. Some advice?
  172. my homemade ATS acrylic box
  173. clean half at a time
  174. Is something wrong??....
  175. the 0ne month mark!
  176. Sm 100 pump
  177. My scrubber!
  178. Lighting Time to Clear DT
  179. Water Flow Question
  180. water changes?
  181. ATS for QT or hospital tank
  182. ATS for a reef tank 435G
  183. Scrubber Issues........
  184. LED Scrubbers
  185. Pipe Questions?
  186. adding iron?
  187. evaporation
  188. people love protien skimmers
  189. 36" long SM100 type scrubber?
  190. Scrubber placement, simplest design
  191. ATS on heavy stock fish
  192. Seeking Patent Attorney or Agent for partner
  193. yellow/green water
  194. Upgrading an existing ATS
  195. good, cheap t5 bulb for scrubber?
  196. Where are good sps tank?
  197. [Merged posts] how much would i gain if......
  198. pods from sump?
  199. Aquaricare Algae Scrubbers for sale
  200. Algae scrubber in a mixed planted fresh water aquarium
  201. my new scrubber the sp-50
  202. thoughts on running a scrubber in a garage?
  203. surface dust/film?
  204. Lighting Choice
  205. Lights..10K and 460nm?
  206. the new basement scrubber pics
  207. do skimmers remove phosphate
  208. Old system... new issues
  209. Dropping RO/DI for top off water?
  210. New SM tank pics are up....
  211. Yellow Spots
  212. critic of new scrubber
  213. Scrubbers and Carbon
  214. Flow Rates
  215. Cleaning off black/brown sludge
  216. New scrubber
  217. cycling new reef tank
  218. Scrubbers and Seahorses
  219. What are phenols, skatols and creosols?
  220. Rock solid case for ATS capabilities
  221. Are 2700k bulbs ok for a scrubber?
  222. Cryptic Zone Along with an Algae Scrubber?
  223. For Sale: Santa Monica 100 Acrylic Scrubber $250!
  224. Horizontal or Vertical?
  225. First TWO scrubbers
  226. T5 Scrubber Lamp Life
  227. Ultra-high PO4 & NO3
  228. Triple Layer
  229. So i have jumped on the ATS bandwagon!
  230. My 70 Gallon Scrubbed Tank
  231. just wanted to say thanks
  232. Building an algae scrubber
  233. ATS and Macroalgae
  234. Has anyone attempted to pump water through their screen
  235. 0 no3
  236. Best type bulb for cramped space
  237. Pumps
  239. 100 Gallon Mixed Reef GHA Battle
  240. vertical stripes of algae
  241. need help making a scrubber
  242. nice green algae in low flow areas/cleaning duration?
  243. cyano?
  244. here is my 3 month old screen
  245. Flatwoem Exit
  246. Is this possible??
  247. Interesting development
  248. Limits and Best use of ATS
  249. Eggcrate between plastic screen??
  250. Velcro!! What do you think?!