- PAR in Scrubber vs Display
- What am I missing?
- randy's 2 parts and algae scrubber
- Phosphates
- How much feeding for a 9 X 9 screen
- Scientific Name for the Algae?
- new and new tank
- PO4 Results
- First post and have some problems.
- Thoughts on rock algae?
- LED Issue (Electrical)
- ATS evolution.
- Corals vs Algae FAQ
- FAQ study shows that corals prefer to grow touching turf
- My dilemna with new ATS
- Söchting Oxydator?
- white stuff growing everywhere
- High Flow / 3W LED High Light system
- how to fix yellow band across screen...
- Yet again pls help with leds
- First time scrubber!
- Sizing help
- Water tests on my 40G scrubber tank
- looking for some clarification on sizing
- My 120 today.
- Rebuilding a 300 gallon mixed reef
- Combining ZEOvit and Algae Filter
- Just something I noticed recently with my ATS
- Frozen cubes?
- Redoing ATS
- "seeding" the technic
- how to hang the canvas in the slot
- Ats in the hospital tank
- Dino plague in scrubbed tank.
- Can Anyone Id Me This Algae Please?
- ATS leak
- Sizing Help
- Iron Supplement
- Is there any point in changing bulbs until growth tails off?
- Water level, draining issues
- CFL Bulbs: Where do you purchase yours?
- bottes ugg pas cher
- e-Shine: you get what you pay for
- New year..new tank..new ( first time) scrubber
- Introduction and Newbie Question
- New Forum
- Revolving drum scrubber - patent
- Nitrates won't come down no matter what we do!!
- incandescent bulbs
- hqi display light nano scrubber
- waiting for scrubber 2
- Adding Eggcrate to Systems
- LED what bin ?
- What do you want in a new scrubber
- can someone ID this?... white specs on glass
- how to make my scrubber better?
- Red Sea NO3 PO4
- algae dried for 3 days
- obversations
- Help with horzontal screen
- Hypothetical question about very tall, narrow scrubbers
- Diatoms on scrubber screen?
- Why submerged screen dont grow algae?
- Questions: Nutrient Cycle and Freshwater Planted Tank application?
- Odd new algaes that have appeared in my sump below my scrubber lights
- Question - When you feed frozen cubes, do you bother defrosting and rinsing them first?
- 40 watt spot light
- 660nm and coral growth
- for 180 Liter
- A new commercially available scrubber
- Twice daily photo period
- Question about dissolved oxygen level Scrubbed vs non scrubbed water. Do anyone have comparison data
- An attempt to estimate the nutrients export by a scrubber
- Look at my yellow screen
- New scrubber
- Help on an LED build
- Overflow, ATS and ATO
- Scrubber for seahorse tank?
- SM100 Clone for Sale in UK
- Wanted SM100
- Pre made LED panel worth trying???
- led spacing question
- interesting read about fuge bulbs...
- Not much growth
- LED build for idiots help pls
- Help with design
- Size for nano LED scrubber
- Ich Using Algae Scrubber????
- hanging into return pump area?
- Want info on new scrubber
- Some questions of a new guy
- what can't you keep??
- Issues Help! Bubbles in sump
- New Scrubber and Vacation
- Water Quality
- Just picked up a tank on Saturday
- Do scrubbers really work?
- Cycling new tank
- Bigger screen or More watts??
- Cheato or the like, as well as ATS
- Funny how things change...
- Advice for a 2200 liter display tank, Scrubber v1 or wait for v2?
- Scrubber builder needed in UK
- Am I doing this correctly? Pic's included.
- Pods
- algae dies all of a sudden
- Considering nano LED ATS?
- Scrubber not growing after cleaning screen
- Already have an algae scrubber
- Cleaning the scrubber
- UV light and ATS
- In-sump algae scrubber with higher flow rate than sump
- How does tank lighting effect scrubber lighting?
- Pump size question from noob
- Looking for ideas
- 2800K LED
- 5 Days in on new resized scrubber
- Where do I buy the Scrubber 100???
- It's been about a week. Maybe.
- Long-term scrubber usage
- -delete-
- Dosing Fe
- Nitrate limitation.
- fish only tank
- 120 liters, 1 meter high HQI high powered scrubber
- My 120gal scrubber
- brown HA
- 65K, 10K, 14K or 456nm for ATS?
- now i got real problem
- Screen size recommendation and LED placement?
- When to go skimmerless?
- Water changes
- Scrubber tank wins RC TOTM
- Ready to start this weekend
- So, I got some "Pink" LEDs...
- Does an ATS remove DOC
- TOTM on RC has a huge ATS
- Help and advice for building a LED unit
- Algae Growing Pictures Diagnosed
- Relationship between algae and bacteria
- Tapatalk?
- public aquariums and sand filters
- main pipe diameter
- Phosphate-in-food article by Randy Holmes-Farley
- RC posts of the new scrubber
- Question about the new design
- need help fig out size for ats
- GFO and Skimmers.
- DIY LED kits
- Will new bulbs make that much of a difference?
- Need translator for Availability Schedule...
- Algae vs moss (FW) or cheato (SW)
- 5 Weeks, Just a Hint of Green, Suggestions?
- Power goes out
- Ultimate CFL rather than LED....
- Modifying SM100 to fit current feeding guideline
- Balance w/ macroalgae
- Help modify my old 125 setup.
- macro algae and scrubbers
- Toxin
- for 180 Liter Please Help
- High wattage technique...am I on the right track?
- New design release date?
- Advance viewing of the new scrubber now available for manufacturers...
- lets guess the new design
- How long has your scrubber been up?
- Carbon and PO'ed corals
- confused on a few things for setup
- Co2 turbo
- Where is your ats located
- Were in the world is the cell cast acrylic
- question for my scrubber
- Scrubber mod question
- It's May 1st .... isn't it?
- 300g shark tank
- need advise per the new sizing guidelines
- Scrubber not strong enough?
- Scrubbers and Alk...
- Cutting slots, a different approach?
- 100 galon tank with a lot of GHA and new algae scrubber
- New on forum with questions regarding the starting of a microreef ATS only......
- Algae that just won't die!
- I need light spectrum charts for algae growth.
- Algae Scrubber for Freshwater tank
- Bleeching..
- my freshwater tank is tinted green
- Cleaning
- Carbon & ATS
- red and blue cfls
- Debating, add gfo or not to add....
- not so much growth- help!
- new to scrubber help anyone
- bryopsis
- 800 gallon Reef tank Scrubber Build
- would this led light work?
- Anyone see this research on the growth of algae?
- adding air
- Lighting the Dump Bucket
- algea used to clean a harbour
- Super threads?
- 2700K Leds
- Low light scrubber
- LED Scrubber question.
- scrubber for heavy planted freshwater?
- SM100 DIY Measurments
- Questions about the size of the scrubber
- sump remodel
- new tank. scrubber only setup.
- Turf scrubber and deep sand bed?
- Design Ideas - Your Thoughts?
- Day Glow Algae
- New to algae scrubbers..
- Mysids on screen
- waterfall vs upflow?? pros & cons?
- Mirror Acrylic in Reef UAS ???
- Are Bubbles Required in Waterfalls?
- Need help with ats
- help me understand this "carbon" thing
- ? Reverse Flow UAS ??
- LED Sanity Check?
- Someone link me to drilled holes please!
- Interesting Mechanical Scrubber
- New ATS (waterfall) for experiment
- OMG, first post... aquaponics
- Some quetions about the algea species
- Scrubbing a koi pond?
- just discovering the ats. have a few questions.
- How do you lower phosphates when nitrates are 0?
- Green hair and cyno in sump
- Cheap easy 5 gallon Nano hex with scrubber
- Slammed for use of scrubber
- Best for removing detritus?
- Getting rid of cyano
- Working out flow rate
- Temperature and Algae Growth
- How do you lower nitrates when phosphates are 0??
- Red Algae
- New Scrubber - No Green Algae
- 50w grow lights from U.S.
- macro algae refugiums
- put a small fan on my scrubber
- UAS Timing
- New sump design. with scrubber.
- Dumb Question Algae on Rocks
- Custom UAS Bubble Bar
- UAS Palm Tree Scrubber
- ATS on AIO Nuvo aquarium
- New set up