View Full Version : Algae Scrubber/Reactor Question and Problem Solving

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  1. PAR in Scrubber vs Display
  2. What am I missing?
  3. randy's 2 parts and algae scrubber
  4. Phosphates
  5. How much feeding for a 9 X 9 screen
  6. Scientific Name for the Algae?
  7. new and new tank
  8. PO4 Results
  9. First post and have some problems.
  10. Thoughts on rock algae?
  11. LED Issue (Electrical)
  12. ATS evolution.
  13. Corals vs Algae FAQ
  14. FAQ study shows that corals prefer to grow touching turf
  15. My dilemna with new ATS
  16. Söchting Oxydator?
  17. white stuff growing everywhere
  18. High Flow / 3W LED High Light system
  19. how to fix yellow band across screen...
  20. Yet again pls help with leds
  21. First time scrubber!
  22. Sizing help
  23. Water tests on my 40G scrubber tank
  24. looking for some clarification on sizing
  25. My 120 today.
  26. Rebuilding a 300 gallon mixed reef
  27. Combining ZEOvit and Algae Filter
  28. Just something I noticed recently with my ATS
  29. Frozen cubes?
  30. Redoing ATS
  32. "seeding" the technic
  33. how to hang the canvas in the slot
  34. Ats in the hospital tank
  35. Dino plague in scrubbed tank.
  36. Can Anyone Id Me This Algae Please?
  37. ATS leak
  38. Sizing Help
  39. Iron Supplement
  40. Is there any point in changing bulbs until growth tails off?
  41. Water level, draining issues
  42. CFL Bulbs: Where do you purchase yours?
  43. bottes ugg pas cher
  44. e-Shine: you get what you pay for
  45. New year..new tank..new ( first time) scrubber
  46. Introduction and Newbie Question
  47. New Forum
  48. Revolving drum scrubber - patent
  49. Nitrates won't come down no matter what we do!!
  50. incandescent bulbs
  51. hqi display light nano scrubber
  52. waiting for scrubber 2
  53. Adding Eggcrate to Systems
  54. LED what bin ?
  55. What do you want in a new scrubber
  56. can someone ID this?... white specs on glass
  57. how to make my scrubber better?
  58. Red Sea NO3 PO4
  59. algae dried for 3 days
  60. obversations
  61. Help with horzontal screen
  62. Hypothetical question about very tall, narrow scrubbers
  63. Diatoms on scrubber screen?
  64. Why submerged screen dont grow algae?
  65. Questions: Nutrient Cycle and Freshwater Planted Tank application?
  66. Odd new algaes that have appeared in my sump below my scrubber lights
  67. Question - When you feed frozen cubes, do you bother defrosting and rinsing them first?
  68. 40 watt spot light
  69. 660nm and coral growth
  70. for 180 Liter
  71. A new commercially available scrubber
  72. Twice daily photo period
  73. Question about dissolved oxygen level Scrubbed vs non scrubbed water. Do anyone have comparison data
  74. An attempt to estimate the nutrients export by a scrubber
  75. Look at my yellow screen
  76. New scrubber
  77. Help on an LED build
  78. Overflow, ATS and ATO
  79. Scrubber for seahorse tank?
  80. SM100 Clone for Sale in UK
  81. Wanted SM100
  82. Pre made LED panel worth trying???
  83. led spacing question
  84. interesting read about fuge bulbs...
  85. Not much growth
  86. LED build for idiots help pls
  87. Help with design
  88. Size for nano LED scrubber
  89. Ich Using Algae Scrubber????
  90. hanging into return pump area?
  91. Want info on new scrubber
  92. Some questions of a new guy
  93. what can't you keep??
  94. Issues Help! Bubbles in sump
  95. New Scrubber and Vacation
  96. Water Quality
  97. Just picked up a tank on Saturday
  98. Do scrubbers really work?
  99. Cycling new tank
  100. Bigger screen or More watts??
  101. Cheato or the like, as well as ATS
  102. Funny how things change...
  103. Advice for a 2200 liter display tank, Scrubber v1 or wait for v2?
  104. Scrubber builder needed in UK
  105. Am I doing this correctly? Pic's included.
  106. Pods
  107. algae dies all of a sudden
  108. Considering nano LED ATS?
  109. Scrubber not growing after cleaning screen
  110. Already have an algae scrubber
  111. Cleaning the scrubber
  112. UV light and ATS
  113. In-sump algae scrubber with higher flow rate than sump
  114. How does tank lighting effect scrubber lighting?
  115. Pump size question from noob
  116. Looking for ideas
  117. 2800K LED
  118. 5 Days in on new resized scrubber
  119. Where do I buy the Scrubber 100???
  120. It's been about a week. Maybe.
  121. Long-term scrubber usage
  122. -delete-
  123. Dosing Fe
  124. Nitrate limitation.
  125. fish only tank
  126. 120 liters, 1 meter high HQI high powered scrubber
  127. My 120gal scrubber
  128. brown HA
  129. 65K, 10K, 14K or 456nm for ATS?
  130. now i got real problem
  131. Screen size recommendation and LED placement?
  132. When to go skimmerless?
  133. Water changes
  134. Scrubber tank wins RC TOTM
  135. Ready to start this weekend
  136. So, I got some "Pink" LEDs...
  137. Does an ATS remove DOC
  138. TOTM on RC has a huge ATS
  139. Help and advice for building a LED unit
  140. Algae Growing Pictures Diagnosed
  141. Relationship between algae and bacteria
  142. Tapatalk?
  143. public aquariums and sand filters
  144. main pipe diameter
  145. Phosphate-in-food article by Randy Holmes-Farley
  146. RC posts of the new scrubber
  147. Question about the new design
  148. need help fig out size for ats
  149. GFO and Skimmers.
  150. DIY LED kits
  151. Will new bulbs make that much of a difference?
  152. Need translator for Availability Schedule...
  153. Algae vs moss (FW) or cheato (SW)
  154. 5 Weeks, Just a Hint of Green, Suggestions?
  155. Power goes out
  156. Ultimate CFL rather than LED....
  157. Modifying SM100 to fit current feeding guideline
  158. Balance w/ macroalgae
  159. Help modify my old 125 setup.
  160. macro algae and scrubbers
  161. Toxin
  162. for 180 Liter Please Help
  163. High wattage technique...am I on the right track?
  164. New design release date?
  165. Advance viewing of the new scrubber now available for manufacturers...
  166. lets guess the new design
  167. How long has your scrubber been up?
  168. Carbon and PO'ed corals
  169. confused on a few things for setup
  170. Co2 turbo
  171. Where is your ats located
  172. Were in the world is the cell cast acrylic
  173. question for my scrubber
  174. Scrubber mod question
  175. It's May 1st .... isn't it?
  176. 300g shark tank
  177. need advise per the new sizing guidelines
  178. Scrubber not strong enough?
  179. Scrubbers and Alk...
  180. Cutting slots, a different approach?
  181. 100 galon tank with a lot of GHA and new algae scrubber
  182. New on forum with questions regarding the starting of a microreef ATS only......
  183. Algae that just won't die!
  184. I need light spectrum charts for algae growth.
  185. Algae Scrubber for Freshwater tank
  186. Bleeching..
  187. my freshwater tank is tinted green
  188. Cleaning
  189. Carbon & ATS
  190. red and blue cfls
  191. Debating, add gfo or not to add....
  192. not so much growth- help!
  193. new to scrubber help anyone
  194. bryopsis
  195. 800 gallon Reef tank Scrubber Build
  196. would this led light work?
  197. Anyone see this research on the growth of algae?
  198. adding air
  199. Lighting the Dump Bucket
  200. L.E.D AQUARAY
  201. algea used to clean a harbour
  202. Super threads?
  203. 2700K Leds
  204. Low light scrubber
  205. LED Scrubber question.
  206. scrubber for heavy planted freshwater?
  207. SM100 DIY Measurments
  208. Questions about the size of the scrubber
  209. sump remodel
  210. new tank. scrubber only setup.
  211. Turf scrubber and deep sand bed?
  212. Design Ideas - Your Thoughts?
  213. Day Glow Algae
  214. New to algae scrubbers..
  215. Mysids on screen
  216. waterfall vs upflow?? pros & cons?
  217. Mirror Acrylic in Reef UAS ???
  218. Are Bubbles Required in Waterfalls?
  219. Need help with ats
  220. help me understand this "carbon" thing
  221. ? Reverse Flow UAS ??
  222. LED Sanity Check?
  223. Someone link me to drilled holes please!
  224. Interesting Mechanical Scrubber
  225. New ATS (waterfall) for experiment
  226. OMG, first post... aquaponics
  227. Some quetions about the algea species
  228. Scrubbing a koi pond?
  229. just discovering the ats. have a few questions.
  230. How do you lower phosphates when nitrates are 0?
  231. Green hair and cyno in sump
  232. Cheap easy 5 gallon Nano hex with scrubber
  233. Slammed for use of scrubber
  234. Best for removing detritus?
  235. Getting rid of cyano
  236. Working out flow rate
  237. Temperature and Algae Growth
  238. How do you lower nitrates when phosphates are 0??
  239. Red Algae
  240. New Scrubber - No Green Algae
  241. 50w grow lights from U.S.
  242. macro algae refugiums
  243. put a small fan on my scrubber
  244. UAS Timing
  245. New sump design. with scrubber.
  246. Dumb Question Algae on Rocks
  247. Custom UAS Bubble Bar
  248. UAS Palm Tree Scrubber
  249. ATS on AIO Nuvo aquarium
  250. New set up